
Health and Safety Concerns Over Brazil's Uncontacted Tribes

October 13, 2016

It is believed that this unnamed tribe was forced out of their land by illegal loggers and miners near the border of Peru and Brazil. Being forced out of their homes and hungry they were forced to make contact. Upon arrival at the Ashinanka village, they signaled that they were hungry and were given plantains. The next day they came back, not because they needed more food, but because one of the members had come down with cold or flu like symptoms.

Ex presidente José Sarney habla de un “tsunami político” en marcha en Brasil

October 13, 2016

En una reciente columna publicada en el diario “El País” de España, el ex presidente brasileño José Sarney (1985-1990) destaca la incertidumbre existente ante las próximas elecciones presidenciales producto de la irrupción de la candidata del Partido Socialista Brasileño (PSB) Marina Silva. Según diversos sondeos, Marina Silva podría ganar las elecciones del próximo 5 de octubre si pasa a una segunda vuelta con su máxima contendora, la Presidente Dilma Rousseff.

Petrobras and the Brazilian Presidential Election

October 13, 2016

These past couple of months have been tumultuous for the presidential candidates in Brazil. First, there was the sudden death of Eduardo Campos, the presidential candidate representing the Brazilian Socialist Party. This was followed by the meteoric rise of Marina Silva, a socialist candidate from the rural state of Acre, who has proven to be a worthy candidate against the reigning president, Dilma Rousseff.

El Fenómeno de los Liderazgos Anti-políticos en Brasil

October 13, 2016

Entendemos como anti-política todo relato ideológico y herramienta interpretativa que apunta a argumentar por una parte la prescindibilidad de estructuras tales como los partidos políticos, parlamento e instancias de la vida política como las elecciones y las campañas electorales y, por otra, la centralidad de la racionalidad técnica en detrimento de la racionalidad política, tanto desde el punto de vista simbólico como también desde las prácticas de gestión pública.1

Indigenous Rights in the Global Spotlight

October 13, 2016

On September 22nd and 23rd, the United Nations held its first annual International Conference on Indigenous Villages. Indigenous representatives from around the world gathered in New York City to discuss indigenous rights in order to bring equality to a group of people that have been oppressed and discriminated against since colonization. The indigenous population of the world totals 370 million people, which constitutes 5% of the total world population and they represent about one third of people living in poverty.1

Who will Become President of Brazil? Panoramas Roundtable Discussion Searched For an Answer

October 13, 2016

The second Panoramas Roundtable discussion of the 2014-2015 school year took place on October 2, with contributors Ana Lúcia Gomes, Bruno Hoepers and Barry Ames. The topic of discussion was the upcoming presidential election’s top three candidates: incumbent Dilma Rousseff, Marina Silva of the socialist party, and Aecio Neves. All three panelists discussed the political landscape of Brazil setting up a structural frame of reference, before moving on to prior corruption scandals and the potential influence of the new middle class.

Christopher Columbus: A Controversy 500 Years Later

October 13, 2016

October 13th is nationally recognized as Columbus day, marking the day Christopher Columbus discovered the new world in 1492. This encounter, as students learn as early as elementary school, changed the course of American and Latin American history. This year, many cities across the US have protested this holiday demanding that instead of lauding Columbus, we use this day to recognize the indigenous people whose land Columbus allegedly invaded.


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