
Rethinking Financial Diplomacy in South America

May 12, 2017

Following two consecutive years of recession, 2017 may mark a turning point for South America. Simultaneously mired by political scandal, high inflation, growing government debt, increasing unemployment and declining output, politico-economic turbulence in Brazil has dragged down economic activity on the continent. Though, while the new Brazilian government introduces fiscal reforms with a renewed commitment to growing the economy, there are no guarantees that Brazil’s re-emergence will necessarily benefit its neighbours if it continues its approach to regionalism.

Velha Casa Patriarcal: patriarcalismo e farsa em Machado de Assis

April 5, 2017

Em Casa Velha de Machado de Assis, conto publicado entre janeiro de 1885 e fevereiro de 1886, destaca-se uma passagem que descreve “o pequeno mundo” governado com “muita discrição, brandura e justiça” por Dona Antônia, viúva de um ex-ministro de Pedro I, primeiro imperador do Brasil.

Brazil: A Model for HIV/AIDS Prevention?

April 14, 2017

Brazil has accomplished a great deal when it comes to combating AIDS. It has developed a comprehensive, multi-level approach to fighting the disease that includes both prevention and treatment. The nation’s approach brings together the federal government, local government and NGOs to combat the epidemic from all angles. After decades of working to perfect the plan to combat AIDS, Brazil received international acclaim for its success. Just a decade later, the country is at risk of shifting their focus away from the disease and losing all of the progress they have already made.

Lava Jato: An Overview

March 6, 2017

Last year as Brazil geared up to hold the Summer 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, a huge corruption scandal hit the country: “Operação Lava Jato”, or “Operation Car Wash”. After much turmoil and international attention, many thought the scandal would subside with the new year. However, this has not been the case. And the scandal is still making headlines over a year since it first began, having become clear that it involves more than just Brazil.

Mercosur: frustración después de 25 años

February 21, 2017

Hace poco más de un mes que los países del Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur) hicieron noticia al suspender oficialmente del grupo a Venezuela, luego de que este país no cumpliera con regulaciones y otros aspectos que son obligatorios para el grupo. La expulsión sirvió para abrir nuevamente el debate sobre el rol de la organización, especialmente en cuanto al liderazgo del presidente pro tempore del grupo. El 2016 marcó el vigésimo quinto aniversario de la fundación del Mercosur, y algunos analistas creen que va a marcar el principio de su fin debido a sus magros resultados.

Defining Beautiful: Venezuela's Beauty Schools and High Rates in Cosmestic Surgeries in Latin America

January 4, 2017

Seven Miss Universe, six Miss World, seven Miss International, and two Miss Earth titles have made Venezuela one of the top countries to produce the most “Misses” in the world. Many other countries around the world also value these international beauty pageants and also rank high in international pageant winners including the United States, India, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Puerto Rico1.

Telling the Story of the Favelas Through Art and Literature

January 9, 2017

Favelas have long been known as the impoverished neighborhoods surrounding the cities of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city, is home to one of the oldest favelas, Providência, founded in 18971. The original favelas normally consisted of informal housing like shacks, usually made from scrap metal, woods, or other materials. They originated due to a lack of affordable housing, thus pushing poorer citizens to the outskirts of the cities.

Brazil's Recent Prison Violence: A Breakdown

January 20, 2017

Over 140 prisoners have been killed in 6 different prison riots in Brazil during the last 4 months. This is not the first time that violence has called attention to the deplorable conditions of Brazil’s prisons on a global scale. While this particular wave of riots has its root in a recent fallout between two drug gangs, they are indications of far deeper structural problems within Brazil’s prison system itself, which have been present for decades.


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