
Chinatown in Peru? A Brief Look of the Chinese Diaspora in Latin America

December 2, 2016

Latin America may be the last place you would expect to see someone who is Chinese. Yet surprisingly, scattered around Latin America, there are many pockets of Chinese immigrants, many of whom consider these nations home. In the areas where there are large Chinese populations, you may even find a Chinatown or un barrio chino.

The Growing Protestant Presence in Latin America

January 11, 2017

For centuries, the dominant religion found in Latin America has been Catholicism. Having been ruled by the Spanish and Portuguese starting in the 1500s, both nations emphasized religiosity and incorporated the Church into government decisions and policies, from land distribution, to conversion and education. As a result, centuries of the Christian religion and in many cases hegemony over indigenous religions pushed Latin America to be 90 percent Catholic, as of 1910.

The Untold Stories of Arabs in the Americas

December 16, 2016

There have long been Muslim and Arab populations in Latin America, but few people are aware of the sheer number of Arab descendants in the region. In fact, Latin America has the largest number of Arabs outside of the Middle East, with anywhere between 17 to 30 million people.1 In order to gain a full picture of this aspect the region’s demographics, one must first look back to the time of Columbus’ first voyage to the new world in 1492. In the same year, the Moors, as the Muslim communities were called, were defeated in Spain and Christianity ruled once again.

Desafios da austeridade econômica: Brasil abaixo Michel Temer

November 1, 2016

O mundo todo assistiu quando a presidenta Dilma Rousseff foi oficialmente afastada do governo brasileiro no dia 31 de agosto. O ex-vice presidente Michel Temer agirá como o presidente até as novas eleições em outubro de 2018. Ele terá muitos desafios macroeconômicos para resolver, incluindo quase 12 milhões de brasileiros desempregados, uma economia que encolheu 3,8% no segundo trimestre de 2016 e a inflação chegando aos 10% (“Time for Temer”, 2016). Quais são os desafios principais que Temer vai confrontar, e o que ele está fazendo?


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