Opinion and Interviews

Spanglish: The Validity of Spanglish as a Language

May 2, 2019

            Spanglish is a phenomenon that is very well recognized among many Americans, though many do not understand what Spanglish necessarily is. Even scholars seem to be unable to come up with a consensus for how to define Spanglish. Before beginning my research, I only knew of Spanglish as a dialect that is a mix of Spanish and English.

Cuba: 60 años de dependencia económica extranjera

April 2, 2019


La constante fundamental en los 60 años de la economía socialista de Cuba ha sido su total incapacidad para generar un crecimiento adecuado y sostenible, sin ayuda y subsidios considerables de una nación extranjera, a fin de poder financiar sus importaciones con sus propias exportaciones. La historia de esta dependencia económica comenzó con España en la época de la colonia, continuó con Estados Unidos durante la primera república, se expandió de manera significativa con la Unión Soviética y finalmente con Venezuela desde el inicio de este siglo. 

There’s Only One Way Out for Cuba’s Dismal Economy

April 2, 2019

Article originally published in NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/28/opinion/cuba-economy.html

For the past 60 years, Cuba has been unable to finance its imports with its own exports and generate appropriate, sustainable growth without substantial aid and subsidies from a foreign nation. This is the longstanding legacy of Cuba’s socialist economy.

Research and The Massacre at El Mozote: How the U.S. justified its support for the Salvadoran Military

March 7, 2019

There is no justification to murder civilians in any circumstance. However, perhaps just as heinous a crime is to support any individual or organization who commits these murders or look the other way when they are committed. This is what the United States did under the Raegan Administration in the 1981 massacre at El Mozote.

Nick Cullather’s Secret History and US Intervention in Guatemala

January 7, 2019

The CIA’s intervention in Guatemala was the first of its kind. Due to the U.S. government’s secrecy on the matter, we are only able to make assumptions based on the facts given to us to determine the rationale of the CIA in terms of this invasion. Nick Cullather’s Secret History, Second Edition: The CIA’s Classified Account of its Operations in Guatemala, 1952-1954 collects the newly unredacted documents detailing the U.S.’s intervention in Guatemala, and the fallout that occurred as a result.


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