
Picture Name About
Regina C's picture
Regina Cellino Regina C Profesora en Letras. Actualmente cursa la Maestría en Literatura Argentina en la Universidad Nacional de Rosario y el Doctorado en Humanidades y Artes con mención en Literatura en la Universidad Nacional de Rosario a través de una Beca Doctoral otorgada por CONICET. Se desempeña como docente en la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario en la cátedra de Literatura Europea II. En mayo del 2015, dictó un seminario de Posgrado en la cátedra de Lengua y Traducción Española en la Universidad de Calabria, Rende, Italia. Ha publicado artículos científicos en diversas revistas digitales y en papel.
Regnar Alabæk Kristensen's picture
Regnar Alabæk Kristensen Regnar Alabæk K... Regnar Kristensen is external lecturer at the Institute for Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at Copenhagen University. Since 2002 he has conducted prolonged ethnographic fieldworks inside the cult to La Santa Muerte in Mexico City. He obtained a Ph.D. in anthropology at Copenhagen University in 2011 for his research on saints and security in Mexico City. It was funded by the Faculty of Social Science, Copenhagen University. His following postdoc project on poverty, crime and family dynamics in Mexico City was funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research. He has published on La Santa Muerte in Ethnos (2014) and Journal of Latin American Studies (2015), among others. This article draws mainly from the article La Santa Muerte in Mexico City: The Cult and its Ambiguities, published in 2015 in Journal of Latin American Studies.
Rene J. Silva's picture
Rene Jose Silva Rene J. Silva René J. Silva is a PhD candidate in the Atlantic History program at Florida International University in Miami. His dissertation focuses on the reintegration of the Loyalists in the United States after the American Revolution, specifically in southeastern Pennsylvania. Other areas of scholarly interest include questions of comparative fidelity in British and Spanish America in the era of independence; issues of loyalty, race, trade, and political transition in East Florida during the Second Spanish Period (1784-1821); and Cuban society in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
rgargarella's picture
roberto gargarella rgargarella Sociólogo, abogado y Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, L.L.M. por la University of Chicago Law School, Master en Ciencia Política por la FLACSO, J.S.D. por la University of Chicago, y Post-Doctorado en la Balliol Collage, Oxford. Es profesor ordinario de la Escuela de Derecho de la UTDT, y profesor asociado de la Facultad de Derecho de la UBA. Entre sus publicaciones más recientes se encuentran: The Legal Foundations of Inequality (Cambridge University Press, 2009), The Accountability and Democratic Judiciaries in Latin America, Africa, and East Europe (en co-autoría con S. Gloppen et al, Palgrave, 2009). Webpage:
Richard Hill's picture
Richard Hill Richard Hill
Roberto Rodríguez's picture
Roberto Rodríguez Roberto Rodríguez Roberto Rodríguez Reyes es investigador, ensayista y crítico literario. Ha trabajado como investigador en el Departamento de Literatura del Instituto de Literatura y Lingüística de Cuba. Ha estado asociado a los proyectos investigativos Diccionario de obras cubanas de ensayo y crítica; Diccionario de narratología y versología; y Cuba (1959-2008). Contextos de la literatura: entidades paraliterarias. Su línea de especialización se inscribe en los estudios culturales y literarios en América Latina a partir del trabajo con la obra de autores como Roberto Bolaño, Rodrigo Rey Rosa, Juan Villoro, entre otros. Actualmente cursa la Maestría en Literatura Hispanoamericana en El Colegio de San Luis (San Luis Potosí, México) donde trabaja en una investigación sobre las configuraciones del Mal en la narrativa latinoamericana contemporánea.
Rodrigo M. Medel's picture
Rodrigo M. Medel Rodrigo M. Medel Rodrigo M. Medel is a PhD Student of Political Science at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and a researcher at the Observatory of Labor Strikes at COES (Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies, Chile). His research focuses on labor movements, student movements, labor strikes, political sociology and educational policies. His work has appeared in journals such as Politica y Gobierno, Psicoperspectivas, Calidad de la Educación, among others. E-mail:
rodrigon's picture
Rodrigo Nunes rodrigon Rodrigo M. Nunes is an associate professor of political science and global studies at St. Edward's University in Austin, TX. He has published on judicial reform and judicial activism in Latin America, and is currently researching the political determinants of criminal justice reforms in Brazil.
RodrigoZarazaga's picture
Rodrigo Zarazaga RodrigoZarazaga Director of CIAS and Senior Researcher. Jesuit Priest, BA in Philosophy and Theology, Doctor in Political Science from UC Berkeley and Post Doc at the University of Notre Dame. His research focuses on problems of redistribution, cronyism and electoral politics. To clarify these issues, he has developed formal models (Game Theory) that capture the strategic interaction between political actors. He is the author of the book “The poverty of a rich country” and of articles published in Stromata.
rodriguesvieira's picture
Vinicius Rodrigues Vieira rodriguesvieira Vinícius Rodrigues Vieira is a Lecturer in International Relations at the School of Social Sciences of Getulio Vargas Foundation (CPDOC-FGV) and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of International Relations of the University of São Paulo (IRI-USP), Brazil. He holds a doctorate in International Relations from Nuffield College, University of Oxford (2014), and a M.A. in Latin American studies from the University of California, Berkeley (2010). Webpage:
