
Picture Name About
sebastian.urli's picture
Sebastian Urli sebastian.urli PhD student in the Hispanic Languages and Literature Department. Areas of interest: Southern Cone Literature (Argentina and Uruguay, mainly), Latin American Poetry, Theory of Poetry, Autobiography and Autofiguration, Borges.
Sebastian_Carassai's picture
Sebastián Carassai Sebastian_Carassai Sebastián Carassai is a Research Associate at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council in Argentina, member of the Center of Intellectual History at the National University of Quilmes, and Associate Professor in the Sociology Department of the University of Buenos Aires. He has published The Argentine Silent Majority. Middle Classes, Politics, Violence and Memory in the Seventies (Duke University Press, 2014), Los años setenta de la gente común. La naturalización de la violencia (Siglo XXI Editores, 2013), and several articles on political theory and Argentine recent history. He has been awarded the Esther L. Kinsley PhD. Dissertation Award (2012), the Bolton-Johnson Prize, Honorable Mention (2015), and the Konex Award for Humanities (2016). He is the director of both a multidisciplinary research project about Argentinas’s ordinary life in the seventies (University of Buenos Aires) and of an analogous research project on Chile among 1964 and 1994 (University of Valparaíso). The current year he has been selected as one of the National Humanities Center Research Fellow for 2016-2017.
Sergio Villalobos's picture
Sergio Villalobos-Ruminott Sergio Villalobos Sergio Villalobos-Ruminott, Doctor in Latin American literature, University of Pittsburgh (2003). Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville. Author of Soberanías en suspenso. Imaginación y violencia en América Latina (Buenos Aires: La Cebra, 2013).
smartipuig's picture
Salvador Martí-i-Puig smartipuig Salvador Marti Puig is a permanent lecturer at the University of Girona (Spain) and member of the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs CIDOB. He has a PhD in Political Science and Administration (1997), a Master’s in Latin American Studies (1994) and a BA in Political Science and Sociology (1992). He has been a visiting lecturer and researcher in various centers in Europe, the United States and Latin America. His research focuses on comparative politics, including processes of democratization, collective action, social movements, parties, and party systems in Latin America.
sophia.winston's picture
Sophia Winston sophia.winston Sophia Winston is a Spanish and Urban Studies major at the University of Pittsburgh, she is also pursuing a certificate in Latin American Studies and a minor in Portuguese. She has spent a semester abroad in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and is currently a senior.
sperz's picture
Stephen Perz sperz environmental change, land use practices and land cover dynamics, and the socio-spatial processes of road-building in the Amazon.
srpraca's picture
Sergio Praca srpraca Sérgio Praça teaches Public Policy at the Universidade Federal do ABC, in São Paulo, Brazil, and is a researcher at FGV-SP. He blogs at
sruderer's picture
Stephan Ruderer sruderer Investigator in the research group SFB 1150 "Cultures of decisions" at the WWU Münster -research fields: corruption in Latin America, Church and Dictatorships in the Southern Cone, Politics of memory in the Southern Cone, history of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay
srw48's picture
Susan Wiedel srw48 Susan Wiedel is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh studying English Nonfiction Writing and Latin American Studies. In the summer of 2014, Susan participated in the Center for Latin American Studies' Seminar/Field Trip to Cochabamba, Bolivia, where she conducted a research project on the quality and attendance rates of public secondary schools in the city. The unique experience led her to become more involved in the Center by becoming a certificate student and writer for Panoramas.
Steffan.Gomez-Campos's picture
Steffan Gómez-Campos Steffan.Gomez-Campos Ingresó al Programa Estado de la Nación en el 2010. Investigador principal del capítulo de Fortalecimiento de la Democracia y profesor universitario de Ciencia Política. Máster en Estudios del Desarrollo por la Universidad de Giessen de Alemania y Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Se ha especializado en el área de política comparada en América Latina en temas de democracia; procesos electorales y sistemas de partidos políticos.
