
Argentina Launches First Satellite; The Advancement of Technology in Latin America

October 12, 2016

On October 16, 2014, Argentina launched its first geostationary satellite, which will allow Argentines, Chileans, Paraguayans, Uruguayans, and citizens of the Malvinas Islands to enjoy full satellite coverage. The satellite will be used primarily for data transmission as well as telephone and television services. The satellite was constructed out of entirely Argentine parts and has been named ARSAT-1.1 A week later, on October 24, the ARSAT-1 reached its destination and is now in its permanent orbital location.

Los Desafíos de una Política Coordinada a Favor de la Integridad y la Transparencia en la Argentina

October 12, 2016

La Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Corrupción (CNUCC) suele tomarse como punto de partida para la acción coordinada en materia de prevención y lucha contra la corrupción en el mundo globalizado1. Dada la complejidad del fenómeno de la corrupción y de los procesos de políticas que buscan mitigarla la coordinación entre distintos niveles de gobierno y sectores de políticas surge como una cualidad frecuentemente reclamada pero poco explorada.

Brokers, Clientelism and Beyond in Argentina

October 12, 2016

Brokers are neighborhood party operatives that gather political support for their bosses in poor areas, and networks of brokers are a key element for political machines to compete in the political arena. The Daley machine in Chicago, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in Mexico, and the Nationalist Party (KMT) in Taiwan, for example, have all developed extensive networks of brokers to permeate poor areas.

El Poder Económico Durante el Kirchnerismo

October 12, 2016

En este artículo presentamos algunas claves sobre la evolución del poder económico en la Argentina en este nuevo siglo. Ello es fruto de una investigación que se vio plasmada en un artículo publicado en el último número de la revista Latin American Research Review1 y en un libro reciente (Restricción eterna. El poder económico durante el kirchnerismo, Futuro Anterior, Buenos Aires, 20142) que editamos junto a nuestro colega Alejandro Gaggero.

30 Years of Silence: Torture Allegations in Brazil

October 12, 2016

Similar to various other Latin American countries, Brazil suffered through a right-wing military dictatorship from 1964 to 1985.The aim of this dictatorship was to eliminate any and all threats of communist uprising within the country. This is similar to Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay, but, unlike such countries, Brazil has only now acknowledged the torture and other atrocities committed during the 21-year dictatorship.

Policing Protest in Argentina and Chile

October 11, 2016

Despite the return of electoral democracy to most of Latin America in the 1980s and early 1990s, thousands of protesters continue to be arbitrarily arrested, injured, or even killed by police.1 At the most extreme, dramatic events result in many people losing their lives to police violence. For example, during the December 2001 economic and political crisis in Argentina, 39 protesters were killed. Yet such repressive protest policing is not limited to dramatic and destabilizing events.

Taxing with Dictators and Democrats in Argentina

October 11, 2016

Latin American nations are notoriously poor tax collectors and Argentina is among the least effective. Despite a relatively high level of development, Argentina’s governments are unable or unwilling to extract at levels comparable even to the surrounding nations. One possible source of this weakness is Argentina’s political structure, including its fiscal federalism and the incentives provided by elections and national governance. Crucially, taxing is unpopular, so politicians that face reelection or can gain resources elsewhere will avoid it.


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