News and Politics

The Multiple Causes of the Border Crisis

October 13, 2016

Much was written and discussed in the Summer of 2014 about the causes of the migration of thousands of undocumented minors and women with young children from Central America’s Northern Triangle region (Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras) to the United States.1 Many analysts focused on finding "the culprit", the one single cause that provoked the dramatic increase in the number of children arriving at the border and turning themselves to US authorities. 

La Ceguera Ante la Corrupción en El Salvador

October 13, 2016

El día que el ex presidente salvadoreño Francisco Flores se entregó a la justicia para ser procesado por corrupción, el 5 de septiembre de 2014, una decena de manifestantes se apostaron en la entrada principal de los juzgados para lanzarle bolsas con agua y gritarle, megáfono en mano: “corrupto, a la cárcel”.

Who will Become President of Brazil? Panoramas Roundtable Discussion Searched For an Answer

October 13, 2016

The second Panoramas Roundtable discussion of the 2014-2015 school year took place on October 2, with contributors Ana Lúcia Gomes, Bruno Hoepers and Barry Ames. The topic of discussion was the upcoming presidential election’s top three candidates: incumbent Dilma Rousseff, Marina Silva of the socialist party, and Aecio Neves. All three panelists discussed the political landscape of Brazil setting up a structural frame of reference, before moving on to prior corruption scandals and the potential influence of the new middle class.


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