
Hidalgo_LARR's picture
Juan Pablo Hidalgo-Bastidas
About : 
Juan Pablo Hidalgo-Bastidas is a lecturer at the Universidad Central del Ecuador. He is also a PhD candidate at the Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA) and the Department of Geography, Planning, and International Development Studies of the University of Amsterdam. His dissertation focuses on the political ecology of water, particularly on the power relations embedded in multipurpose mega-hydraulic projects in coastal Ecuador. He worked several years as policy-maker for the Ecuadorian government and freelance consultant in water management and irrigation issues. He is a member of the international organization Justicia Hídrica (Water Justice Alliance, www.justiciahidrica.org).

From this author

Monday, November 19, 2018 - 08:30 0
En América Latina hay un nuevo ímpetu para el desarrollo de megaproyectos hídricos, cuya construcción está en auge, pero que también genera controversias por cuanto aportan beneficios a...