
Picture Name About
Juliana.Laet's picture
Juliana Laet Juliana.Laet Juliana Laet is MA student at São Paulo State University and studies the movements of June 2013 occurred in Brazil. Her research includes the themes of media, urban space and social movements.
juliane_muller's picture
Juliane Müller juliane_muller Juliane Müller is lecturer at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Munich (LMU, Germany). Her expertise lies within economic anthropology, trade and markets, transnational migration, historical memory, as well as sports from a sociocultural perspective. She is the author of Migration, Gender, and Soccer: Bolivians in Spain (Berlin, 2013) and coeditor of ‘Otro Fútbol’: Ritualidad, organización institucional y competencia en un siglo de fútbol popular en Bolivia (1896– 2014) (La Paz, 2014). Among her recent articles figure “Rethinking the Plural Economy: Popular Commerce in Plurinational Bolivia” (Psychosozial, 2016) and (with Adolfo García Jerez) “‘Between Two Pasts’: Dictatorships and the Politics of Memory in Bolivia” (Latin American Perspectives, 2015). She is coediting a special dossier in The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology on “Entrepreneurship, Artisans, and Traders: The Remaking of China-Latin American Economies” and The Political and Cultural Economy of Popular Commerce: Gender, Inequality, and Materiality in Latin American Cities under contract with Lexington Books (both forthcoming 2018).
Julianlopezm's picture
Julian Daniel Lopez-Murcia Julianlopezm Research fellow at the Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (Colombia). He holds an MSc in Regulation from the London School of Economics, and is currently a doctoral candidate at Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford. His research focuses on utilities regulation, public-sector reform and social rights in Colombia. Webpage:
Jürgen Schuldt Lange's picture
Jürgen Schuldt Lange Jürgen Schuldt Lange Economista peruano con Doctorado de la Universidad de St. Gallen (Suiza), Maestría en El Colegio de México (D.F.) y Licenciatura en la Universidad del Pacífico (Lima). Se desempeñó como Profesor Principal de Economía Política en la última (1971-2015), de la que es Profesor Emérito. En Quito dirigió la primera Maestría en Economía de la FLACSO y fue investigador principal en el CAAP (entre 1990 y 1993). Sus últimos libros son "La Civilización del Desperdicio" (2013) y "Desarrollo a Escala Humana y de la Naturaleza" (2012). Es columnista del diario "El Comercio" (Perú).
justinearllance's picture
Justin Lance justinearllance Justin Lance is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Presbyterian College. He received his B.A. from Bethany College and M.A. and Ph.D. from the Ohio State University. His research focuses on Latin America with a specialization on Brazil and political economy. His work includes articles in Politics and Religion and Latin American Politics and Society, and his current work is on the relationship between social spending and crime in the region as well as the role of Conditional Cash Transfer programs in generating trust in government.
jwilt's picture
Joseph Wiltberger jwilt Joseph Wiltberger is a cultural anthropologist and Assistant Professor of Central American Studies at California State University, Northridge. Focusing on the experience of Salvadorans, his research examines political, economic, and cultural changes linked to international migration between Central America and the United States.
KarenGoldman's picture
Karen Goldman KarenGoldman Karen Goldman is the Assistant Director for Outreach at the Center for Latin American Studies and professor of the Hispanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Pittsburgh.
Karsten_Paerregaard's picture
Karsten Paerregaard Karsten_Paerregaard Karsten Paerregaard's research has focused on rural-urban migration in Peru and Peruvian transnational migration in the United States, Spain, Italy, Japan, Argentina and Chile. This work includes studies in migrant networks, remittances, illegality, fiestas, religious practices, political mobilization, family organization, social conflict, and other themes.
Katelin Hudak's picture
Katelin Hudak Katelin Hudak Katelin Hudak is a 2014 candidate for a Master's in International Development at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh, with a minor in Policy Analysis. Her area of focus is food and agricultural policy.
Katherine.Andrews's picture
Katherine Andrews Katherine.Andrews Katherine Andrews is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh majoring in Political Science with certificates in Global and Latin American Studies. She spent her summer interning with the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs at the State Department and has done research with CLAS in Costa Rica and Mexico. Her focus is on gender and sexuality issues in Latin America, specifically international gender-based violence policy.
