
Picture Name About
jlgarces's picture
José Luis Garcés jlgarces José Luis Garcés González is the director of the cultural periodical El Túnel at the Catedrático Universidad de Córdoba. His two most recent books include 'Textos del medianoche' and the novel 'Fuga de caballos.'
John Camusi's picture
John "Jake" Camusi John Camusi John "Jake" Camusi is an administrator and Spanish teacher at Father Judge High School in Philadelphia. A 2017 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, Jake majored in Spanish with certificates in Communication and Portuguese. Jake's honors thesis research focuses on the history and different cultural effects of fútbol in the Hispanic world. Since graduating from Pitt, Jake has been pursuing a Master's of Science in Organizational & Strategic Leadership from Neumann University (PA).
John Polga-Hecimovich's picture
John Polga-Hecimovich John Polga-Heci... John Polga-Hecimovich is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the U.S. Naval Academy. He has published peer-reviewed work on democracy and presidentialism in Latin America. He has lived and traveled in Venezuela, and his wife is Venezuelan. He has published articles in the Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Party Politics, Latin American Politics and Society, the Journal of Politics in Latin America, and Revista de Ciencia Política.
John Robert Foster's picture
John Robert Foster John Robert Foster John is a Senior studying Economics and Urban Studies with a focus on Urban & Regional Planning. During his time at Pitt, he has served as the President of the Real Estate Association, Events Chair for the National Society of Leadership and Success and was a member of Habitat for Humanity. He works part-time as a Real Estate Agent at Keller Williams Realty and will be pursuing a career in real estate developmen
johnnyfinn's picture
Johnny Finn johnnyfinn John Finn is an Assistant Professor of Geography at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, VA, USA. His research focuses on race, culture, and place, especially in Latin America. He has conducted extensive field research in Cuba, Brazil, and along the US-Mexico border. Based on this research, Finn has published academic journal articles, book chapters, and popular press feature articles in English, Spanish, and Portuguese on subjects as varied as music, graffiti, race and urban landscapes, and cultural mapping. He can be reached at Webpage:
john_henderson's picture
John Henderson john_henderson John Henderson is a JD/MBA candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School and the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto. He holds an MSc in international political economy from the London School of Economics and has previously worked at the International Monetary Fund. He coauthored “International Public Finance and the Rise of Brazil” with the late Stephen Clarkson following fieldwork in Brasília.
jomcruz's picture
Jose Miguel Cruz jomcruz José Miguel Cruz is director of research at the Kimberly Green Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACC) at Florida International University (FIU) in Miami. Previously, he was director of the Institute for Public Opinion (IUDOP) at the Central American University (UCA) in San Salvador. He is an expert in the areas of criminal violence, gangs, police, democratization and public opinion in Central America.
Jonas Wolff's picture
Jonas Wolff Jonas Wolff Jonas Wolff is head of research department and executive board member of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF). His research focuses on the transformation of political orders, contentious politics, international democracy promotion, and Latin American politics. Contact: wolff[a]
Jorge Battaglino's picture
Jorge Battaglino Jorge Battaglino Jorge Battaglino is a tenured Senior Researcher at Argentina’s Council of Scientific Research (CONICET) and Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Torcuato Di Tella University. He has been recently appointed as the Director of the National Defense School. publications have appeared in Journal of Politics in Latin America, Defense & Security Analysis, Política y Gobierno, Iconos, Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica, Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, Perfiles Latinoamericanos, Política Externa, Estudios Internacionales, Conflict, Security and Development, among others.
Jorge Ordóñez's picture
Jorge Ordóñez Jorge Ordóñez Doctor en Gobierno y Administración Pública por el Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset - Gregorio Marañón, de Madrid. Profesor investigador del Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Puebla. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Gobierno, Administración y Políticas Públicas del Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset - Gregorio Marañón
