Health and Society

FARC's Call for a Colombian Truth Commission

October 19, 2016

In Colombia, the search for political peace by the government has been paralleled by a search for the truth by the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC). Since the peace talks between the Colombian government and guerrilla group began, the latter of these two groups has called for the formation of a truth commission.

Part II of III - Series on Marijuana in Latin America and the Caribbean

October 20, 2016

Part One of this series examines how marijuana arrived in the Western Hemisphere, who cultivated it locally, and why. Part Two looks at prohibitionist 20th century marijuana policies in Latin America and the Caribbean and their devastating social effects. Part Three looks at recent pro-marijuana activist efforts around the continent, as well as examples of progressive legislation that have begun to decriminalize the plant.

Abstract: "Para que no vuelva a repetir": The Patterned, Politicized, Prepackaged Nature of Collective Memory

October 20, 2016

Memory is what guides our everyday actions: it forms our history, shapes our present, and projects us toward a new future. In the aftermath of trauma, memory serves as an important political tool used to rebuild society. Both individual and communal narratives emerge through the retelling of history and contrasting versions of the same occurrences battle one another to be heard.

Lugares da memória: História feita em casa

October 20, 2016

Lembro de ouvir quando criança as histórias que minha mãe contava misturando coisas que ela viveu e coisas que ouviu. Minha mãe cresceu ouvindo histórias dos irmãos e conhecidos sobre os pais, pois sua mãe morreu quando ela tinha 3 anos e o pai aos 4. Os pais que ela conhece e que nos mostrou em suas histórias foram os pais construídos a partir de fragmentos da memória de outros, e que ela rearranjou em sua mente.

Impact Assessments and Benefit Sharing

October 20, 2016

The Communications and Transport Secretary in Mexico has proposed a regional rail project, the Tren-Transpeninsular (TTP), to connect major beach resort areas and several major archeological sites in the Yucatan Peninsula. The capstone class is working with a local non-profit in Mexico, Foro para el Desarrollo Sustentable, who has been hired to conduct a preliminary assessment of the potential social impacts of the TTP.


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