Health and Society

Prostituição Infantil no Brasil e a Copa do Mundo

October 19, 2016

Com o início da Copa do Mundo de 2014 chegando rapidamente, ainda tem muita preocupação se o Brasil vai conseguir terminar as construções antes da sua estréia contra a Croácia, no dia 12 de junho. Menos de 100 dias antes do apito inicial, estádios em 4 das 12 cidades-sede permanecem sob construção, assim come grande parte dos locais ao redor dos estádios e a infraestrutura dos transportes.

A Growing Economy and Expanding Waistlines: The Nutrition Transition in Chile

October 19, 2016

As an emerging economy, Chile has greatly increased its GDP while making significant improvements in their Human Development Index, including reduced infant mortality and reduced malnutrition. Obesity and other dietary risk factors have replaced these traditional health issues and become the number one health concern in Chile. This phenomenon is known as the “nutrition transition,” and is a problem that often accompanies economic growth and trade liberalization due to shifts in the food market.

Body and Community Mapping Workshop Held at University of Pittsburgh

October 19, 2016

Dr. Elizabeth Sweet, visiting assistant professor at Temple University, led the Body and Community Mapping Workshop organized by GSPIA’s Dr. Marcela González Rivas on February 28, 2014. About 15 students from the departments of sociology, anthropology, public health, and GSPIA attended the workshop. Dr. Sweet's research has focused on internally displaced women in Colombia, trying to understand the individual and community costs of displacement and identify factors that would help in creating roots in new places or alleviate the need to relocate.

Interculturalidad y Buen Vivir as National Rebranding in Ecuador

October 19, 2016

Since the 1990s the concept of interculturalidad [interculturality] has taken hold in Latin American politics. In Ecuador, it has been a tenant of indigenous movements and NGOs in the struggle to recognize cultural diversity and eliminate socioeconomic inequalities. The current government, under President Rafael Correa, has adopted interculturalidad as a paradigm shift against the state’s neoliberal past.


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