Daniel Snyder

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Daniel Snyder
About : 
Daniel Snyder is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh working as a Panoramas intern. He is studying Economics and Spanish, as well as earning a minor in Portuguese and a certificate in Latin American studies. During the summer of 2016 he conducted research in Fortaleza, Brazil through the CLAS Field Trip and also studied abroad in Lima, Peru.

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When Americans think of cultural products of Mexico, they normally mention items such as tacos, mariachi bands, and the sombrero. However, the  country has much more to present than the...


On October 14th, President Obama utilized his executive powers to issue a new directive on the United States’...


Desde su independencia en 1821, Costa Rica se ha mantenido como uno de los países centroamericanos con menor cantidad...


It has been a while since a strikingly populist candidate has been a major contender in a  presidential election in the United States. Many think of William Jennings Bryan, the three-...


Last year as Brazil geared up to hold the Summer 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, a huge corruption scandal hit the country: “Operação Lava Jato”, or “Operation Car Wash”. After much...


Barack Obama has done much during his last term to aid immigrants to the United States. His single-handed...
