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Verónica Garibotto
About : 
Verónica Garibotto received her "Licenciatura en Letras" from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and her MA and Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. Before joining KU, she taught at Queen's University in Canada. Her research addresses the links among culture (literature and film), history, and politics in 19th to 21st-century Latin America, especially in the Southern Cone. She is particularly interested in how historicity and ideology intersect with culture and in theoretical perspectives that combine a close textual analysis with a broader political reading.

From this author

Friday, March 2, 2018 - 00:30 0

Whenever I tell people that I work on Argentine film, I can anticipate with almost no margin of error what their immediate response will be: "Oh, really? I recently saw a movie about the dirty war...