Paulo Ilich Bacca

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Paulo Ilich Bacca
About : 
Paulo Ilich Bacca is a legal ethnographer. He is lecturing anthropology of international law and indigenous peoples’ rights from the global south at the National University of Colombia. As a PhD candidate at Kent Law School, his areas of expertise include indigenous peoples rights, Latin American studies, comparative historical and ethnographic methods, international legal theory, social movements, sociology of the image, the Anthropocene, and temporalities in indigenous cultures. Paulo was a Fulbright scholar at Georgetown University and held posts at the University of Los Andes and the Javeriana University in Bogotá.

From this author

Wednesday, September 5, 2018 - 09:15 0

La pregunta de si puede y debe indigenizarse el derecho internacional está en el centro de mi investigación en curso y, en ese sentido, este corto artículo presentará los aspectos más relevantes...