melanie revilla

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Melanie Revilla
About : 
Melanie Revilla holds a PhD in Statistics and Survey Meth¬odology from Pompeu Fabra University, Spain. She graduated from the ENSAE-Paritech (France) and has a Master’s in Economics from the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (BGSE). She is currently a researcher at the Research and Exper¬tise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM) and an adjunct professor at Pompeu Fabra University. Her main research interests are survey methodology, web surveys, mobile participation, correction for measurement errors, and passive data collection.

From this author

Monday, October 31, 2016 - 12:00 0

Research usually starts by the formulation of theories, based on previous observations. From these theories, hypotheses are derived. Then, these hypotheses are tested. The test determines if they...