Megan Prenatt

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Megan Prenatt
About : 
Megan Prenatt is a junior at the University of Pittsburgh majoring in Economics and minoring in Spanish and Political Science, with a certificate in Global Studies. She plans on continuing her studies in graduate school obtaining a Masters in International Studies.

From this author

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 11:45 0

Uno de los temas más apremiantes hoy en las Américas es el tema del "muro fronterizo" y la enorme cantidad de inmigrantes que intentan buscar asilo. El debate sobre el muro fronterizo se ha...

Thursday, April 19, 2018 - 08:00 0

This article was written as part of the course “Latin American Economic Development” offered by Professor Marla Ripoll, Department of Economic, University of Pittsburgh.

