Kevin Anzzolin

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Kevin M. Anzzolin
About : 
Kevin M. Anzzolin, Assistant Professor of Spanish, arrived at Dickinson State University in 2016, where he teaches a wide range of classes in Spanish and English. He graduated with a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 2014 after writing a dissertation entitled Guardians of Discourse: Literature and Journalism in Porfirian Mexico (1887-1912). Therein, he analyzes the representation of journalism in literary texts from Porfiriato Mexico. His research focuses primarily on Mexican narrative from the 19th- to 21st centuries, while his publications have appeared in Letras hispanas, Céfiro, and Studies in Latin American Popular Culture. For more information:

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Wednesday, December 14, 2016 - 08:00 0

Walls, holes, and mountains—everyday rarities of the physical environment known to stymie our progress—have all served as apt metaphors with which to express our frustration when encountering...