
Heloisa.Pait's picture
Heloisa Pait
About : 
Heloisa Pait is a regular contributor to Panoramas and teaches sociology of the media at UNESP-São Paulo State University. Her PhD dissertation, defended at the New School for Social Research, New York, dealt with the individual challenges posed by mediated communication. She spent one year in Pittsburgh on a Fulbright scholarship, teaching courses on Brazilian culture and society. Heloisa writes on media, culture and politics for the non-specialized public, and she also writes fiction. For more information, check her blog at heloisapait.wordpress.com or write to heloisa.pait@fulbrightmail.org.

From this author

Monday, October 27, 2014 - 09:15 0

I would like to briefly analyze the fascinating 2014 electoral debate that took place in Brazil recently. In the beginning of October we had the first...

Thursday, July 10, 2014 - 08:00 0

There is no way to predict how a nation will deal with past collective actions that don’t match the image its citizens now have of themselves. They may confront...