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Ewa Sapiezynska
About : 
Ewa Sapiezynska, Assistant Professor of Sociology at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Poland. Sapiezynska holds a PhD in Media Sociology from Universidad de Chile. She worked as a researcher and lecturer in social science at various Chilean universities. Coordinator of the panel “Struggles over Mass Media in Latin America” at the 8th NOLAN Conference (Helsinki, 2015). Her publications include: “The Media and Power in Postliberal Venezuela. The Legacy of Chávez for the Debate on Freedom of Expression” (Latin American Perspectives, 2016), “Media Freedom Indexes in Democracies: A Critical Perspective Through the Cases of Poland and Chile” (together with Claudia Lagos, International Journal of Communication, 2016), "Los no aparecidos: la protesta social invisible en los grandes medios en Chile y las políticas mediáticas del disenso" (Comunicación y medios, 2014), "La libertad de los periodistas en Chile y el mundo: los niveles y orígenes de las restricciones percibidas por los periodistas en su trabajo" (Comunicación y medios, 2013) and "Freedom of Expression, Public Access, and Participatory Democracy" with Goerge Ciccariello-Maher in The Pink Tide: Media Access and Political Power in Latin America, 2017.

From this author

Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 02:15 0

“Free market philosophy is notoriously blind to the fact that access to the market is heavily skewed by already existing inequalities in society”
