Debora Thome

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Debora Thome
About : 
Visiting Scholar at Columbia University. PhD Candidate at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil) studying women potential candidates and representation in politics. I am also working in papers about recent feminist protesters profile in Brazil and corruption and media bias. Beyond my research, I have been an activist of women’s rights in Brazil, speaking in various conferences about feminism and organizing cultural activities and pro-abortion advocacy groups. I have trained more than 300 women from all over the country planning to run for office in a program of the Brazilian Government Agency for Women’s Policy. In my master, I studied Conditional Cash Transfers and policies to reduce inequality. I have published a book about women and power in Brazil and a children's book about Brazilian women leaders.

From this author

Thursday, June 28, 2018 - 09:00 0

Brazil is one of the countries with the lowest rates of female representation in political power. The report of the International Union of Parliaments (IPU) shows Brazil in 151th position (in 193...