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Benjamin Arthur Cowan
About : 
Benjamin Cowan is an associate professor of history at University of California, San Diego. He received his BA from Harvard University and his MA and PhD from UCLA. His book Securing Sex: Morality and Repression in the Making of Cold War Brazil was published by the University of North Carolina Press in 2016. He has also published articles in American Quarterly, Journal of the History of Sexuality, Hispanic American Historical Review, Radical History Review, and other venues. His research interests include right-wing radicalism, morality, sexuality, and twentieth-century imperialism; he specializes in Cold War Brazil, especially the cultural and gender history of the post-1964 era.

From this author

Friday, December 29, 2017 - 16:15 0

I do not remember the first time I heard the word machismo, nor the process by which I came to understand it as an epithet. Is this because I am a Los Angeles native? Maybe. But I think...