
Costa Rica's Legal Battle with Sex Tourism

January 5, 2017

In November 2016, David Strecker, also known as “Cuba Dave”, became the first person convicted under Costa Rica’s 2012 law prohibiting the promotion of sex tourism. Strecker is famous for his videos, Facebook page and website giving tips to men seeking prostitutes in Costa Rica and other Central American nations.

World Cup 2014 Spotlight: Child Prostitution in Brazil

October 20, 2016

In Brazil, child prostitution is a polemic topic, especially in light of the upcoming World Cup.* Pressured into this position by physical abuse, economic need, or simply because it is their best option for survival, these children sell themselves to sexual exploitation for only a few dollars. Long viewed for its sexually liberal reputation, Brazil has been a popular a destination for sexual tourism.

Prostituição Infantil no Brasil e a Copa do Mundo

October 19, 2016

Com o início da Copa do Mundo de 2014 chegando rapidamente, ainda tem muita preocupação se o Brasil vai conseguir terminar as construções antes da sua estréia contra a Croácia, no dia 12 de junho. Menos de 100 dias antes do apito inicial, estádios em 4 das 12 cidades-sede permanecem sob construção, assim come grande parte dos locais ao redor dos estádios e a infraestrutura dos transportes.

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