Latin America

Dangerous Misconceptions about Latin America and “Third World Countries”

January 29, 2019

Latitude is defined as “a measurement on a globe or map of location north or south of the Equator” (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2018). A unit of measurement created by the Ancient Greeks using astronomical observations, latitude was created to aid sailors in navigation. Thousands of years later, just as Medieval Christians believed that the Earth was the center of the universe, so too did European cartographers believe that the center of Christianity was positioned higher on the map of the earth than other ‘heathen’ countries.

Latin America lags behind in obstetric justice

January 30, 2019

Whenever reports of misogyny hit the front page, it is likely that readers first think of discrimination in the workplace or, in its form that yields the most tragic results, femicide.  Of course, Latin America is far from absent of femicide; Guatemala is the country with the third highest rate of femicide on the planet. Between 2014 and 2016, there were 2,264 violent deaths of women in the country, and of those, 611 cases were reported as femicide (Johnson 2018).

Chinatown in Peru? A Brief Look of the Chinese Diaspora in Latin America

December 2, 2016

Latin America may be the last place you would expect to see someone who is Chinese. Yet surprisingly, scattered around Latin America, there are many pockets of Chinese immigrants, many of whom consider these nations home. In the areas where there are large Chinese populations, you may even find a Chinatown or un barrio chino.

Latin America's Startup Programs

October 20, 2016

When the public hears about technology startups, the two known names are Silicon Valley and New York City.  This may change. In the last few years, several Latin American countries have been advancing their start-up programs for companies near and far. The countries creating startup programs are offering grants for companies in the science and technology fields.


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