Imaginando héroes y ciudadanos: Identidades y alteridades nacionales en el Ecuador

August 17, 2018
¿A quiénes precisamente se refiere una persona cuando afirma que los ecuatorianos (o ya sea, cualquier otra nacionalidad) somos así o asá, nombrando una condición que, por un lado, compartirían los ecuatorianos y, por otro, supuestamente los diferenciarían de otras identidades nacionales? En afirmaciones de identidad nacional, se ponen en juego pertenencia y exclusión a partir de la negociación de la identidad y la alteridad, la interacción entre lo que decimos y los otros dicen qué somos y qué no somos.

Government alliances, policy transformations and the trajectory of contemporary South American grassroots organizations.

August 3, 2018
Over the last few decades, grassroots movements have consolidated as major actors in South American popular politics. In addition to their key role in many countries' transitions to democracy, they have led the resistance to the worst consequences of neoliberal reforms, consistently advocating for the recognition of new economic, social, and political rights.

Political Mandate and Clarity of Responsibility: Economic Policies under Rightist Governments in Latin America

June 29, 2018

The "Pink tide" that swept across Latin America in the early part of the 21st century motivated political economists to develop a litany of theories to explain economic policy decisions under leftist governments in Latin America. And for the past fifteen years or so, these theories have done a fairly good job of driving scholarship on Latin America.

Como Reduzir a Violência no Brasil? Talvez São Paulo Tenha Uma Resposta

June 22, 2018

A violência no Brasil vem atingindo níveis alarmantes. Nos últimos meses, uma série de rebeliões em presídios das regiões Norte e Nordeste do país ganhou as capas dos noticiários internacionais. Facções criminosas travam disputas sangrentas pelo controle do tráfico de drogas dentro e fora das prisões locais, muitas vezes com resultados assustadores. Mas esta não é a única crise de violência que o país enfrenta.

Sumak Kawsay as an element of local decolonization in Ecuador

June 18, 2018

Buen Vivir has become a hot topic in the last years. It is present not only in research, but also in politics from local to global levels including the most visible platforms. This could be one explanation for the considerable vagueness and emptiness of the concept - it went through a chain of translations that marginalized the original contents and replaced them with contents deemed relevant by the translators themselves. Therefore, Buen Vivir appears as a proposal of ecologism or post-development related somehow to indigenous peoples.

On the Quality of Brazilian Democracy

April 20, 2018

Every democracy can be expected to produce antidemocratic sentiment. In supposedly ordinary times, which we do not usually recognize as such until the exception is all there is, these kinds of opinions do not get far, sparing the body politic a self-destructive infection. Nobody looking at the Brazilian situation today would classify what is going on as normal, as a logical permutation of the democratic order that took shape following the end of the dictatorship in 1985. 


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