
El Sistema de Justicia Tambalea en Guatemala

October 13, 2016

La justicia guatemalteca vive uno de los momentos más críticos para su independencia, a pesar de que existe una ley de comisiones de postulación para seleccionar a magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y de salas de apelaciones, entre otros. La justicia se tambalea porque el oficialista Partido Patriota y el principal partido de oposición (LIDER) se unieron para decidir quiénes serán los encargados de impartir justicia en los próximos cinco años.1

In Defense of the King: Observations on Spanish American Royalism in the Era of Independence

October 10, 2016

Among historians, Latin American independence has been and continues to be a thoroughly researched field. Beginning with the personal accounts of participants in the wars of independence published in the first half of the nineteenth century, decade after decade historians have produced a steady stream of scholarship on the events which gave birth to the multiple nations of the Americas.

In Defense of the King: Observations on Spanish American Royalism in the Era of Independence

June 15, 2016

Among historians, Latin American independence has been and continues to be a thoroughly researched field. Beginning with the personal accounts of participants in the wars of independence published in the first half of the nineteenth century, decade after decade historians have produced a steady stream of scholarship on the events which gave birth to the multiple nations of the Americas.

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