human rights

The Lasting Legacy of Argentina's Human Rights Commission

October 20, 2016

In 1983, the violent dictatorship in Argentina fell following the loss in the Falklands war with Great Britain. Following this huge shift in power, Raúl Alfonsín was elected the president of Argentina. Alfonsín then created the Human Rights Commission, Comisión Nacional sobre la Desaparición de Personas, or CONADEP.

The Legality of Child Workers in Bolivia

October 20, 2016

Being a six-year old in the United States means many things--few responsibilities, no stress, no problems. In Bolivia, however, this age symbolizes quite a different path: in some households, this marks the age where children begin to provide for their families in the only way that they can, through working. Thousands of children as young as six work in Bolivian silver mines. Each day, these children are responsible for carrying out one of the most dangerous jobs in one of the most impoverished countries of Latin America.

Cuban Dissidents Hack for Internet Access

October 20, 2016

In Cuba, a country with restricted internet access, those who have found a way around the government’s access barriers have been labeled as dissidents. One of these, blogger Yoani Sánchez, has consistently been active in portraying and critiquing daily life in communist Cuba. She is most famous for her blog Generación Y, which she is able to maintain by emailing friends outside the country for publication.

World Cup 2014 Spotlight: Child Prostitution in Brazil

October 20, 2016

In Brazil, child prostitution is a polemic topic, especially in light of the upcoming World Cup.* Pressured into this position by physical abuse, economic need, or simply because it is their best option for survival, these children sell themselves to sexual exploitation for only a few dollars. Long viewed for its sexually liberal reputation, Brazil has been a popular a destination for sexual tourism.

El Día de la Memoria en Argentina

October 20, 2016

Hoy, el Día de la Memoria, Verdad y Justicia, marca el trigésimo octavo aniversario del golpe de estado en Argentina. Después de la muerte de Juan Perón en 1974, su esposa Isabel asumió la presidencia, pero su débil gobierno fue breve. Cayó el 23 de marzo de 1976, cuando los comandantes en jefe de las fuerzas armadas, Jorge Videla, Emilio Massera y Orlando Agosti tomaron control del gobierno, comenzando una nueva dictadura.


Hasta que Todos lo Quitemos: Antimonumento +43 en el Paseo de la Reforma

October 10, 2016

“Tenemos que hacerlo, no hay paso atrás”. Con esas palabras contundentes, una comisión de padres de los normalistas desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa dio la aprobación final a la instalación del Antimonumento +43. Después de meses de planeación y trabajo, a los integrantes de la llamada Comisión +43 sólo le restaba lo más difícil, instalarlo.

One Artist, Two Pigs and the Cuban Government: A Recipe for Disaster

October 4, 2016

On December 25, 2014, Havana-based graffiti artist “El Sexto” prepared a piece of performance art featuring a pair of pigs.1 The piece was called Rebelión en la Granja, or Animal Farm.2 After preparing the pigs, El Sexto hailed a taxi, put the pigs in the trunk and asked for Havana’s Central Park.3,4 He was planning to display the pigs at an art show there. But he never made it that far. The taxi was stopped by the police, and El Sexto was detained. He has remained in prison since Christmas Day of last year.


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