Dilma Rousseff

The World Awaits: Brazil’s Lower Congress Again Debates Taking President Michel Temer to Trial on Corruption Charges

October 4, 2017

The President of Brazil, Michel Temer, once again faces the possibility of trial for corruption charges and even possibly impeachment for the second time since he came into office in August of 2016.

Lava Jato: An Overview

March 6, 2017

Last year as Brazil geared up to hold the Summer 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, a huge corruption scandal hit the country: “Operação Lava Jato”, or “Operation Car Wash”. After much turmoil and international attention, many thought the scandal would subside with the new year. However, this has not been the case. And the scandal is still making headlines over a year since it first began, having become clear that it involves more than just Brazil.

Mercosur: frustración después de 25 años

February 21, 2017

Hace poco más de un mes que los países del Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur) hicieron noticia al suspender oficialmente del grupo a Venezuela, luego de que este país no cumpliera con regulaciones y otros aspectos que son obligatorios para el grupo. La expulsión sirvió para abrir nuevamente el debate sobre el rol de la organización, especialmente en cuanto al liderazgo del presidente pro tempore del grupo. El 2016 marcó el vigésimo quinto aniversario de la fundación del Mercosur, y algunos analistas creen que va a marcar el principio de su fin debido a sus magros resultados.

Desafios da austeridade econômica: Brasil abaixo Michel Temer

November 1, 2016

O mundo todo assistiu quando a presidenta Dilma Rousseff foi oficialmente afastada do governo brasileiro no dia 31 de agosto. O ex-vice presidente Michel Temer agirá como o presidente até as novas eleições em outubro de 2018. Ele terá muitos desafios macroeconômicos para resolver, incluindo quase 12 milhões de brasileiros desempregados, uma economia que encolheu 3,8% no segundo trimestre de 2016 e a inflação chegando aos 10% (“Time for Temer”, 2016). Quais são os desafios principais que Temer vai confrontar, e o que ele está fazendo?

El Fenómeno de los Liderazgos Anti-políticos en Brasil

October 13, 2016

Entendemos como anti-política todo relato ideológico y herramienta interpretativa que apunta a argumentar por una parte la prescindibilidad de estructuras tales como los partidos políticos, parlamento e instancias de la vida política como las elecciones y las campañas electorales y, por otra, la centralidad de la racionalidad técnica en detrimento de la racionalidad política, tanto desde el punto de vista simbólico como también desde las prácticas de gestión pública.1

Who will Become President of Brazil? Panoramas Roundtable Discussion Searched For an Answer

October 13, 2016

The second Panoramas Roundtable discussion of the 2014-2015 school year took place on October 2, with contributors Ana Lúcia Gomes, Bruno Hoepers and Barry Ames. The topic of discussion was the upcoming presidential election’s top three candidates: incumbent Dilma Rousseff, Marina Silva of the socialist party, and Aecio Neves. All three panelists discussed the political landscape of Brazil setting up a structural frame of reference, before moving on to prior corruption scandals and the potential influence of the new middle class.

30 Years of Silence: Torture Allegations in Brazil

October 12, 2016

Similar to various other Latin American countries, Brazil suffered through a right-wing military dictatorship from 1964 to 1985.The aim of this dictatorship was to eliminate any and all threats of communist uprising within the country. This is similar to Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay, but, unlike such countries, Brazil has only now acknowledged the torture and other atrocities committed during the 21-year dictatorship.


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