
Chilean Architect Wins Prestigious Architectural Award

This year’s Pritzker Prize, an architectural award, was given to a Chilean architect, Alejandro Aravena. At 48, his achievements and buildings span various continents and of course, throughout his native Chile. Past winners of this prize include the Brazilian architect, Oscar Niemeyer, who had a prolific career around the world and is known for his architectural and urban planning achievements in the Brazilian capital of Brasília.

Turkish President Visits Latin America

Turkey is interested in subscribing free trade agreements (FTA) with Latin American and Caribbean countries with the aim of strengthening trade exchanges. Turkish president, Tayyip Erdogan visited Latin America hoping to boost trade by 2030.  Exchanges between Turkey and Latin America have experienced a significant increase from $USD 1 billion in 2014 to near $USD10 billion.

¿Una Constitución Ciudadana para Chile?

April 26, 2016

El proyecto de reemplazar la Constitución vigente en Chile desde 1980 es ampliamente avalado por la ciudadanía.1 Un estudio de opinión señalaba en octubre de 2015 que el 77 por ciento de los encuestados acordaba con que es necesario elaborar una nueva constitución, mientras un 22 por ciento lo consideraba prioritario para el país.2 El tema no es nuevo, ya que se ha discutido en reiteradas ocasiones desde la transición a la democracia.

Big Wins for Mexican and Chilean Film Makers at 2016 Oscars

Amidst public allegations that the Oscars and other award shows lack diversity, two Mexican filmmakers have been quietly earning top ranks for the past three years. Director Alejandro González Iñárritu and cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki, both Mexican, have won best director and best cinematographer for the past two and three years respectively. Not to mention that in 2014, another Mexican director, Alfonso Cuarón, won best director for his film, Gravity.

Ciencia Política en Chile: ¿una Disciplina Consolidada?

En el marco de una creciente autoconciencia sobre las características de la ciencia política en América Latina, la Revista de Ciencia Política de la U. Católica de Chile publicó el 2005 un número especial con un esfuerzo comparado por establecer un mapa del desarrollo de la disciplina en la región (RCP Vol 25, N°1).

The Military Clergy during the Late Twentieth-Century Dictatorships in Argentina and Chile

April 17, 2016

A look at the Latin American dictatorships highlights the importance of the Catholic Church in the legitimisation of violence, even after the Second Vatican Council.1 In the years of the last military dictatorships in Chile (1973-1990) and Argentina (1976-1983), the ongoing political and public influence of the Church existed, in parallel with the potential of Christian religion to legitimise violence.

Discursos y Productividad Política en la Relación Agua y Megaminería

October 10, 2016

En las últimas dos décadas se observa una proliferación de conflictos socioambientales en relación a la expansión de la actividad minera en Latinoamérica. En este contexto, el agua se destaca como eje central y común denominador en las demandas de los movimientos sociales. En estas demandas, los discursos que prevalecen giran en torno a la escasez, la contaminación, la vulnerabilidad de los glaciares y el agua como elemento central del territorio.

Where the Women Lead

October 10, 2016

If Bill Clinton had been president of a Latin American country, then it would be statistically probable that Hillary Clinton––a Yale educated lawyer, former U.S. Senator, and former U.S. Secretary of State––would have been elected president by now. Some may think this a bold supposition, but it is a supposition rich in historical precedent.


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