
Adaptación académica de estudianes migrantes en contexto de frontera

November 30, 2017

El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar las características asumidas por el proceso de adaptación académica de los estudiantes migrantes incorporados a la educación básica y media de la ciudad de Arica, contexto de investigación caracterizado por su situación bi-fronteriza.

The triumph of negative freedom: Chilean parliamentary discourse on freedom of expression

November 11, 2017

“Free market philosophy is notoriously blind to the fact that access to the market is heavily skewed by already existing inequalities in society”

Julian Petley, Censoring the World[1]

“The […] dread of the State as the primary power source has bred a myopia to private restraints on expression”

Desterritorializando el espacio sonoro: electrodomésticos y la crítica del milagro chileno

February 22, 2017

Considerando el período que se inicia con el golpe de estado de 1973, que puso fin al experimento socialista de Salvador Allende e inició la violenta dictadura de Augusto Pinochet, buena parte de los estudios sobre música popular chilena se ha focalizado de manera casi exclusiva en el estudio de la “canción de protesta”, música cuyas letras reflejan un explícito mensaje político y social.

Student Movement in Chile: Explaining a Protest Paradox

February 21, 2017

My article, “Democracy and Student Discontent: Chilean Student Protest in the Post-Pinochet Era,” (Journal of Politics in Latin America, 7(3), 49-84) was based on extensive field research conducted in Chile. I also engaged the theoretical literature on social movements to propose a three-part theory for the seemingly paradoxical emergence and escalation of the Chilean student protests.

Demonstrations, occupations or roadblocks? Exploring the determinants of protest tactics in Chile

February 7, 2017

One of the issues that have stirred up considerable interest in the literature about social movements in recent years is the one regarding the tactics of collective protest. When a group of people decides to publicly express its dissatisfaction with the authorities, why does it sometimes use peaceful and conventional tactics, such as an organized demonstration in a plaza; and other times violent and rowdy ways, for example destroying public or private property? Why are tactics with a high symbolic content, such as a theater performance ridiculing a hated politician, sometimes used?

This year, Chile's Oscar Nomination looks at world famous poet, Pablo Neruda

January 11, 2017

The story of world renown, Nobel-winning poet, Pablo Neruda, will be highlighted in the 2016 film, Neruda, directed by Chilean filmmaker Pablo Larraín. The film is Chile’s 2016 Oscar submission for the Foreign-Language category. Larraín describes the film as an “anti-bio”, the opposite of what many call a biopic1. Rather than describe one’s life in order like in a biopic, an anti-bio creates its own story within the main character’s life.

Ranchera Music: A Mexican National Symbol

January 9, 2017

Ranchera, a style of music that grew out of the Mexican revolution, highlights the beauty and simplicity of Mexican life for all citizens. Known for its drama, passion and patriotism, this style of music elicits images of Mexican ranch life. The most famous ranchera singer is inarguably Vicente Fernandez, who has become a national icon in Mexico in the same manner as Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley in the U.S.(1).


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