
Bolsonaro triggering gun reform in Brazil

January 23, 2019

In 2003, Brazil’s Senate passed a Disarmament Statute in response to spiking murder rates that is still in place today.  The statute created a number of laws pertaining to gun ownership, including clauses that call for people interested in applying for a gun to be at least 25 years old, to be free of any criminal history, to have proof that they have a steady job and fixed residence, and to pass a psychological test and pass gun training courses.

A Harm Reduction Experiment in Brazil

January 2, 2019

In terms of drug policy, harm reduction is broadly defined as a range of pragmatic and evidence-based policies, which primarily attempt to reduce the negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm reduction strategies target a variety of risks associated with drug use and misuse, including adverse health, social, and economic consequences. Harm reduction’s defining features include a focus on preventing harm, rather than preventing drug use, and a commitment to respecting users’ human rights.

Tropicália no Brasil

December 4, 2018


O que é Tropicália? Tropicália foi um movimento artístico no Brasil que aconteceu no início da ditadura militar brasileira (começou em 1967 e terminou em 1969). O movimento tropicalista teve muitas influências e incluiu muitos meios artísticos. Os artistas do movimento misturaram poesia, dança, literatura e música, que foram uma forma de “antropofagia.”

'Robin Hood' Criminal Groups: Providing for the Community when the Government Cannot

November 7, 2018
Jesus Malverde, the proclaimed patron saint of narcos, is praised in Mexico as a Robin Hood figure. His legacy of committing crimes to provide for the poor has inspired many criminal groups to follow suit, earning them a similar reputation among the people.

Conventional perceptions of Latin America’s organized criminal groups tend to emphasize the greed and violence produced by these groups when, in reality, their existence is much more nuanced than this. Although most associate the presence of criminal groups with heightened levels of violence or drug use, these groups usually do much more than this, often providing certain services and resources to local communities.


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