
La Teichopolítica: Construcción de Barreras Fronterizas en un Mundo Globalizado

October 5, 2016

En los últimos años el mundo globalizado vive una gran paradoja: fronteras cada vez más débiles para favorecer el intercambio comercial pero en las que se construyen todo tipo de cierres para evitar la permeabilidad de los límites físicos a la movilidad humana.

Coca: Misrepresented, Underappreciated

October 4, 2016

Every day, millions of people in the Andes use coca like people in North America use coffee; they brew the leaves in hot water to make tea; some chew on the leaves to reenergize at work. For centuries, Andean populations have cherished the health and spiritual benefits of coca. In both uses, coca acts as a mild stimulant––like coffee––that can also suppress hunger, thirst, pain, and fatigue, and even relieve symptoms of altitude sickness. 

Supreme Court of Venezuela Declares Amnesty Law Unconstitutional

September 29, 2016

     On April 12, 2016, the Supreme Court of Venezuela declared the Law of Amnesty unconstitutional. The amnesty law, presented by the Bureau of Democratic Unity (MUD), aimed to benefit 78 political prisoners and, after approval, President Maduro reiterated that it "would not pass," because – according to him – Amnesty  was intended to "protect criminals[1]."

A Snapshot of the World's Strangest Prison

August 26, 2016

In La Paz, Bolivia there is a prison unlike any other. It is home to thieves, tax evaders, drug traffickers, rapists, and murderers alike, as well as their families. It is unique because it is largely unguarded (about 50 guards are employed to stand watch on the outside) and because it is completely community run. San Pedro is the topic of much controversy. Questions such as “Why should criminals be allowed to govern themselves and roam freely,?” as well as “Why should children live with these men?” arise.

Municipal Slaughterhouses and the Meat Commodity Chain in Early-Twentieth Century Brazil

August 15, 2016

In the two last decades, there has been a proliferation of publications on the topics of food intake and on the disconnection between consumers and providers. Several scholars have examined the historical roots of such a divide, with particular attention to the meat production chain. The majority focuses on the cases of the United States and Western Europe. As these studies show, concerns over healthy eating habits are nothing new.


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