
Picture Name About
Mariana Daniela Ceva Alvarez's picture
Mariana Daniela Ceva Alvarez Mariana Daniela... Mariana is pursuing a Masters in International Development and will be interning with the OAS this summer.
Marilde Loiola de Menezes's picture
Marilde Loiola de Menezes Marilde Loiola ... Doutora em Sociologia - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, França. Professora Associada do Instituto de Ciência Política, Universidade de Brasília. Área de interesse: Teoria Política, atuando nos seguintes temas: Democracia e Cidadania, Poder Judiciário.
marisapr's picture
Marisapr marisapr Marisa is a third-year law student at the University of Pittsburgh. She is pursuing certificates in Health Law and in Latin American Studies. She is interested in gender and race issues and how they affect immigration and immigrant communities. She also does research in public health issues. She has been contributing with articles for Panoramas since 2015.
Marjorie Morales Casetti's picture
Marjorie Morales Casetti Marjorie Morale... Marjorie Morales is Professor of Strategic Management and Public Management, Universidad de La Frontera, Chile. Her research interests include: state modernization, public management, civil service and policy analysis. Her most recent investigation is about Good Government and Social Capital. Webpage:
Mark Novales's picture
Mark Novales Mark Novales Mark is a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh majoring in Accounting with a minor in Economics and a certificate in International Business.
marmacpower's picture
Margaret Power marmacpower Margaret Power is a professor of history at the Illinois Institute of Technology. She is the author of Right-Wing Women in Chile: Feminine Power and the Struggle Against Allende, Chile 1964-1973 and co-editor of Right-Wing Women around the World and New Perspectives on the Transnational Right. Her co-authored book, Hope in Hard Times. Norvelt and the Struggle for Community During the Great Depression is forthcoming. Norvelt is a New Deal community in Southwest PA named for EleaNOR RooseVELT. Her current research focuses on the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, about which she has published several articles.
Martin Dimitrov's picture
Martin Dimitrov Martin Dimitrov Martin K. Dimitrov is Associate Professor of Political Science at Tulane University. His books include Piracy and the State: The Politics of Intellectual Property Rights in China (Cambridge University Press, 2009); Why Communism Did Not Collapse: Understanding Authoritarian Regime Resilience in Asia and Europe (Cambridge University Press, 2013); and The Politics of Socialist Consumption (Ciela Publishers, 2017). He has held residential fellowships at Harvard, Princeton, Notre Dame, the University of Helsinki, the American Academy in Berlin, and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He is currently completing a book entitled Dictatorship and Information: Autocratic Regime Resilience in Communist Europe and China.
Martin Lombardo's picture
Martín Lombardo Martin Lombardo Martín Lombardo es psicólogo por la Universidad de Buenos Aires y doctor en estudios iberoamericanos por la Universidad de Burdeos, Francia. Su tesis de doctorado se centró en la representación de la ley en la literatura argentina desde la última dictadura militar hasta la crisis del dos mil uno. Publicó textos académicos en revistas de diferentes países –Italia, Argentina, Brasil, Francia, Estados Unidos–. En el año 2015 obtuvo un accésit en el Premio Lucien Freud de ensayo. Ejerció como psicoanalista tanto a nivel privado como en diferentes organismos mientras vivía en Argentina. Actualmente, es maître de conférence en la Universidad de Saboya, en donde dicta cursos de literatura y de historia latinoamericanas.
martindalessa's picture
Martín D'Alessandro martindalessa Doctor en Ciencias Sociales (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Profesor de Ciencia Política en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigador del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet). Recientemente ha co-editado el volumen La ciencia política de Guillermo O’Donnell (Buenos Aires, Eudeba, 2015). Actualmente se desempeña también como director de la revista de ciencia política POSTData y como presidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político (SAAP).
Mason Moseley's picture
Mason Moseley Mason Moseley Mason Moseley received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Vanderbilt University in 2014, and his undergraduate degree from UNC-Chapel Hill in 2008. Previously, he was the 2014-2015 Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Program on Democracy, Citizenship and Constitutionalism. His research examines comparative political behavior, and particularly how institutional characteristics and processes shape individual level political attitudes and participation in the Latin American context. His work has been published in Electoral Studies and the Journal of Politics, and has been funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. He is currently working on a book manuscript entitled “Contentious Democracy: The Rise of the Protest State in Latin America,” which explores the institutional and socioeconomic roots of swelling rates of protest throughout the region. At WVU, Professor Moseley teaches undergraduate courses on comparative politics, Latin American politics, and contentious politics, and a graduate course on comparative political behavior.
