Art and Culture

Argentina's Presidential Election: Which Economic Policy Will Win?

April 27, 2016

This history of Latin American economic development is no secret, especially to the region. Yet it is funny how old policies proven to not work are still valid for a politician to run on as a political platform. In the specific case of Argentina there are two main front-runners in the election, Daniel Scioli from the FPV (Frente Para la Victoria) and Mauricio Macri, leader of Propuesta Republicana and of the Cambiemos party. The two parties have differing economic views.

Arte Chileno y Memoria del Hoy

April 27, 2016

Trabajo académico sobre la ‘generación de la memoria’ en Chile y Argentina (como el de Steve Stern, 2004: XVIII, o Ana Ros, 2012 ) ha enfatizado el carácter selectivo y la inversión imaginativa en recordar colectivamente un proceso histórico, en particular aquellos relacionados con trauma y sufrimiento social como los vividos en ambos países durante sus respectivas dictaduras.


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